10 Practical Tips On Writing A Text Response Essay Conclusion

A text response essay, just like the name suggests, is an essay that responds to a text. The text may be a play, short story or poetry. A response text essay has some characteristics. It should aim at:

  • - Analyzing and understanding the topic
  • - Discussing the topic
  • - Knowing the characters and plot
  • - Knowing the themes, issues and messages
  • - Understanding the topic in relation to themes, text and characters
  • - Drawing appropriate evidence from the text
  • - The format of a text response essay

This guide students as they write the text response essay conclusion and the general format of this kind of essay.

  1. 1. Planning the essay
    • - Analyzing the question or topic
    • This involves reading the question carefully. Pick out the key phrases and key concepts addressed in the topic. Using your own words, rewrite the topic while maintaining the main arguments. Lastly, formulate the key questions. The key questions should be used to formulate the main arguments.

    • - Outlining the essay
    • The next step is to outline the essay in point form. Each main idea should be represented on a paragraph of its own. This section has three main parts: the introduction, main body and the conclusion. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence followed by the supporting arguments. If quotations have been used, they must be included.

    • 2. Strategies for essay writing
    • The introduction should clarify and define the key terms and phrases. The main argument should be articulated at this point too. The rest of the paragraphs will cover the main body. Basically they should develop the other key ideas. The number of paragraphs in the main body will be determined by the number of key points identified.

    • 3. Writing the conclusion
    • This is usually the final paragraph of the essay. The concluding paragraph should basically restate the main ideas. It should not just be a summary of all the views stated. It should provide a thorough, clear and logical response in relation to topic being studied. The temptation to introduce new idea at this point should be resisted. Your finishing should be confident and assertive. It should capture the attention of the reader.

Tips for writing the conclusion

  • - Avoid phrases like “to sum up” and “in conclusion”. It gives your essay a shady conclusion.
  • - Avoid bombarding the readers with so many quotes.
  • - Avoid re-narrating the story
  • - Do not deviate from the topic
  • Find more ideas on writing essays on this great website.

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