What To Know About Common Essay Format Requirements: Useful Advice

Many people think that normal essays are easy and that all students know how to create them. However, things are not always like this. There are strict requirements to be followed, and more than once you will find your professor angry because you missed one of them. To prevent any problem, you have to follow the instructions word by word and pay attention to any element that you have to create. Here is some useful advice:

  • Always keep it simple. Very often you will be tempted to make your essay more colorful and more appealing. You will add small drawings, use a different font or use colors when you write. Indeed, it does seem more alive and more happy, but this is not what your professor wants to see. He wants you to be professional and to write an academic composition. This means that you have to use a classic, simple font. The only thing that you can do is to use italic letters when you want to emphasize something.
  • Don’t forget about the space. In order to make your text more easy to read, you have to leave enough space between the words and the paragraphs. Also, if you have to introduce a list or a dialogue in the middle of the composition, make sure that it is well centered and it will not blend with other pieces of text.
  • Create a title page only when you need it. When you want to impress your professor, you will do anything it takes, even if this means to create some elements that are not necessary. A title page is required when it comes to certain types of papers, but this does not mean that you have to make it every time you write a one page essay. It is too much for sure, and this will not bring you any extra marks.
  • Make sure that you have a good structure. Sometimes, the way you arrange your ideas is more important than the ideas themselves. It will prove that you struggled to write this assignment, and that you did not try to rush the process. Your professor will appreciate your effort and he will want to encourage you to do more next time, so he will give you high marks. Sometimes it’s good to go the extra mile for your assignments.

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